Personal Development (Podiatry)
ACCCN Webinar On Demand ‘Writing a Conference Abstract’
1 H
This webinar recording aims to simplify abstract writing and will teach you the fundamentals of abst...
Provider: ACCCN - Australian College of Critical Care Nurses
APodA Productivity for Clinicians
4 H
The Productivity for Clinicians eCourse will assist you develop time management skills and best prac...
Provider: APodA - Australian Podiatry Association
Refresher Program
1 day, 12 H
This program is designed for both ENs & RNs holding general registration with the Nursing & Midwifer...
Provider: ACN - Australian College of Nursing
Registering your Organisation for My Health Record
1 H
This course is designed to help you register and prepare your organisation to access My Health Recor...
Provider: ACN - Australian College of Nursing
Developing a My Health Record Security and Access Policy for your Organisation
1 H
This eLearning course supports healthcare organisations that wish to or are registered with the My H...
Provider: ACN - Australian College of Nursing
Using online conferencing and telehealth technologies securely
15 Mins
This module outlines how to protect the confidentiality of people's health information during telehe...
Provider: ACN - Australian College of Nursing
Digital Health Security Awareness
2 H
The Digital Health Security Awareness eLearning course has been developed to provide an introduction...
Provider: ACN - Australian College of Nursing
Cyber security considerations when working remotely or working from home
20 Mins
This module outlines how to protect yourself and your organisation when working remotely or working ...
Provider: ACN - Australian College of Nursing
Introduction to My Health Record for healthcare providers
Medical Professional
+ 4 more.
15 Mins
This module provides an overview of the My Health Record system and the key health information that ...
Provider: ACN - Australian College of Nursing
Electronic Prescriptions and Active Script List in Your Practice
1 H
This module will explore what an electronic prescription is, how it is prescribed, and the policy re...
Provider: ACN - Australian College of Nursing
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